Sunday, September 2, 2012

Project 1: Triptych Digital Montage

 Statement: The title of this Triptych is "The New Era". The inspiration behind this piece came from my passion for the news, journalism and of course my social media addiction. It seems like a scary time in the journalism world and many believe that it is a dying profession, but really it is evolving. Print as many used to know it may be dead, but journalism is very much alive and entering a new and exciting era. Through social media news has grown and the spreading and access of information has become easier. Social media and the news seem to work hand in hand. Through social media news is able to spread twice as fast and reach more of an audience then ever before. Social media is working to connect the world and in my pictures above I show that connection through the holding of hands around the globe. We are more socially connected to the rest of the world and are becoming more aware of what is going on outside of our hometown, state, and country. Through social media not only is the news entering a new era, but so are we.

1 comment:

  1. I gather that this is a piece that definitely exists in the contemporary age and is all about social media and connectivity. Upon seeing that the 'hands/arms' are of more desirable quality, in contrast to the more solid-iconography of the remainder of the panels, an idea strikes in my head of a 'diminishing' connection between humans of sorts on a personal level... in an age where connectivity is at its peak via internet. My suggestion is to be careful about what meanings images have when placed next to one another! What connection to the Olympics rings have with the Colorado shooter? Or the hashtag with the Republican/Democratic logos? As a montage, I find how they were arranged quite fascinating. There are clear aesthetic decisions going on here to the visual eye! Especially the "globe" across all 3 panels... Even if not immediately recognizable.
