Sunday, September 30, 2012

Video Art Questions

Question 1: The reading talks about how video is contemplative and distanced; it detaches the viewer from present reality and makes him a spectator. This got me thinking about whether or not any art truly allows interaction. Does a painting truly interact with the viewer or is it just like video? To what extent can a piece portray truthfulness and purpose without altering the way it interacts with the audience? If video detaches a viewer from reality and just makes them a spectator to what extent does a painting, sketch, or play do this? It just seems as though these forms of art also limit the interaction with a viewer.  How is it that just video art is seen as doing this? 

Question 2: The reading talks about how video uses artful techniques, but that it is only considered art when there is an intended expression behind it. Video is not considered art however when it has a purpose or something important to say, like the news. This made me start thinking how far does the news or something that has more than expression, but purposes behind it, have to go to be considered art?

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